Please read the recent NRA Institute for Legislative Action news on this subject - www.nraila.org/articles/20170721/the-need-for-national-reciprocity
What is my position on National Reciprocity? It has always been unequivocal and I firmly believe in Constitutional Carry first, Nationwide Reciprocity second (www.DeanBeersNRA.com/about-dean.html).
Just as states slowly moved from ‘may issue’ to ‘shall issue’ for issuing concealed carry permits, with a few remaining, we are seeing a similar trend in Constitutional Carry. Based on this, it seems practical on a national level that we will see National Reciprocity before National Constitutional Carry. I believe it will happen with our unified voices. Colorado, unfortunately, has repeatedly failed to pass a Constitutional Carry law. Perhaps it is time of a state constitutional amendment.
Holding a Colorado permit gives reciprocity to over 30 states. At one time that number was best achieved by also holding a Florida permit. There are states, such as Nevada, that make National Reciprocity – as an agreement between the states – impossible. This is unsafe for travelers and visitors, and I believe a violation of our 2nd Amendment Rights.
We saw federal law passed giving retired law enforcement National Reciprocity – something I have strongly supported. Removing the training and experience component, and with full respect of law enforcement, citizens should not be excluded from the same ability based on our 2nd Amendment Rights. In my personal opinion, the individual rights of both Constitutional Carry and Reciprocity – within each state and nationally – exists. However, I do not see the US Supreme Court hearing a case on this issue, at least without an attempt at federal legislation.
There is no reason for one state to not immediately recognize the carry permit of another state for those persons that are not residents.
If you believe in, and support your Bill of Rights – each and all of them – you believe in and support our 2nd Amendment. I firmly believe our Rights are for all to lawfully and responsibly exercise, or not, without interference from any person or entity.
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