A New Era and the End of One Big Ass Mistake America
I have written many times this election my first, or second, choice was not on the ballot – and my choice will never include any socialist candidate and will always be a fiscal and Constitutional conservative candidate. I’m not sure we have that, fully, in President-Elect Donald J. Trump. We do have faith that at least it will not get worse and will get better. With the other choices – it would have been eight more years of worse than the One Big Ass Mistake America made in 2008 and 2012 for that hopey changey thing that set us back a couple decades and tried to reverse our foundation and change the course of our future.
This election was about stopping the progressive / socialist movement – and it did with a majority (even if by one) of Congress (House and Senate), White House and with new US Supreme Court conservative justices the judicial branch. Having Congress and the White House has not happened since 1928.
Let’s be clear – it is not necessarily good for one ideology to control all branches of government; and our Founding Fathers warned us about this. However, the alternative was going to be the opposite – which would have derailed us into irreversible socialism. This fear was why I wrote my book, ‘Beers With Our Founding Fathers’. I was angry about the attacks on our 2nd Amendment – which is an attack on all our Bill of Rights. I was angry about the spending. I was angry that conservatives stayed home angry at the candidate on the ballot and stayed home or voted minor party. I was angry about the ramming of the first step of socialist healthcare – a planned failure that would be replaced with entirely government run (not just mandated and taxed) healthcare. I was angry about illegal immigration. I was angry about our war on terror – or lack thereof as we began seeing a growing number of domestic splinter attacks. Each of these are addressed in my book. Each of these were addressed by candidate Trump; I was a supporter of Dr. Ben Carson. It is truly like I wrote the book as a guide for the next conservative candidate and he followed it – or has made campaign promises to.
After Carson and Cruz dropped, it took me a bit to come around to Trump, mostly because of his public persona. Then I started listening closely to those who opposed him and why. Then I started thinking about my book. Then I started thinking about my ideal candidate – an independent, business oriented, conservative who will look to our Bill of Rights and Constitution as his guide. Trump was a Democrat early on and for many years. I read his early books, and in recalling those remembered how influential they were to starting and staying in business (since 1987). In fact, I will go back and read them again.
Here's the take away - Bush and Clinton families are both done. The Republican party, which we abandoned many years ago, (GOP for Getting Obviously Progressive) has been shaken to its core and needs to abandon its elitist mentality. Socialism has been stopped and if the GOP commits to its responsibilities, and the attraction socialism will end in the younger generations - where it must. The people have spoken against the blatant corruption, criminality and established elitism.
Many don't realize it - but a 3rd party candidate was elected. Another, Sanders, could have beat a fair - not corrupt - Clinton, and that's scary socialism is that popular. In fact, the 18-25 age group – the next serious group of parents and more active voters – overwhelmingly voted for socialism.
As to the first woman president - there are several better candidates ready to come forward - I look forward to that. She was the worst in many ways – as a person and politician.
The Republicans need to return to those principles I describe in my ‘Freedom Party’ commentary at www.beerswithourfoundingfathers.com/blog---author-thoughts/freedom-party-advice-from-a-patriot
I encourage you to read the full commentary; it begins:
“The progressive-socialist-democrats are experts at divide and conquer. If race baiting doesn't work, its a war on women or some other social issue that is simply a distraction - but a dividing distraction.
If we all set aside personal agendas, and get only a slate of candidates that will support and defend the constitution, while furthering a conservative free market capitalist agenda (fiscal conservative) - we will have a Constitutional Conservative.
This whole 'compromise' thing is simply giving in. The progressive-socialist-democrats are also experts at digging in their heels and not budging - so the GOP believes the progressive-socialist-democrats when they say 'if you want the [pick a minority or group] vote, you need to 'compromise' with us' and, sure enough, the progressive-socialist-democrats get what they always wanted - progress towards their goal and distancing conservatives from theirs.
The standard response (see below) of every Constitutional conservative, when asked about a personal and social issue, should be 'That is a personal social issue. With the individual being the largest minority, our position is for the individual to address their personal needs and beliefs and for us to prosper by the fiscal conservative values of free market capitalism while supporting and defending our Constitution.' I will guarantee success - continuing the path of the GOP is failure."
After this commentary, we saw the rise of the new Tea Party. In my commentary about this I noted the following:
"The Tea Party is excoriated by the media as ultra-right-wing racists, etc. Nothing could be further from the truth. First, take a look back and see the direction our Country has consistently transitioned since the dawn of the 20th Century – left, ‘progressively’ left. That leaves anything else as becoming more and more right. Compared to the socialist / progressive agenda, yes, the Tea Party is far right.
This is what Tea Party represents, and I stand behind it - most people do, they just are afraid to be labeled...
-- No more bailouts
-- Reduce the size and intrusiveness of government
-- Stop raising our taxes
-- Repeal Obamacare
-- Cease out-of-control spending
-- Bring back American prosperity
Do you agree or disagree with these concepts? The alternative is socialism...
-- Nationalize consumer services
-- Increase the size and intrusiveness of government
-- Continue raising our taxes
-- Ignore failures of Obamacare
-- Ignore out-of-control spending
-- Lower socioeconomics over American Prosperity"
Please read this full commentary at www.beerswithourfoundingfathers.com/blog---author-thoughts/the-rise-of-the-tea-party-due-to-political-disparity
When you think of these, what do you think about? A candidate that could not win a third party vote, but as a successful business person worried about the direction of our country, had the financial means to risk it all and take on both parties - and did; in a sense - he risked what our Founding Fathers risked.
I look forward the next four years of establishing a strong foothold to end the progressive / socialist movement in America and to reunite the conservatives – whether it be a Republican party or replaced. Either way, it’s a new party and a correction to put us back to the future our Founding Fathers could not foresee, but laid the foundation for.
I truly revere our Founding Fathers. They were not perfect, they did not necessarily like each other, and they did not agree on many things. However, they worked tirelessly to bring themselves together for a purpose greater than themselves. They were brought together by Divine intervention. My book makes a very important personal disclosure about me – I’m agnostic. Not atheist – big difference. My book details the history and importance of Judeo-Christianity in our culture and lives. Our Founding Fathers believed that Divine intervention brought them together to found a country based on our Natural rights. If you realize all the circumstances and history involved, you will come to realize there was a purpose for them and their resolve - and our own history is that product.
Whether you are atheist, agnostic, or otherwise spiritual - it is easy to see, and cannot be denied, the role that Christianity played in the birth and rise of our country.
Just as it is said Moses presented the 10 Commandments from God, I believe our Founding Fathers presented our Declaration of Independence and later our Bill of Rights (I still think symbolically and intentionally 10) in the same way and clearly tell us these rights are endowed upon us by our Creator.
When I realized what I had stated and published since 2013 as being what is necessary for the preservation of our country, as written on the back of my book it became clear that Trump was more than just the vote for the lesser of two evils, or against the other candidate – “Today our Country is faced with collapsing internally, with external forces also working against who we are. It is not about political party, race, gender, sexual orientation, or other personal identification and social agenda used to prejudice others, class warfare. It is about self-destruction. Very simply, it is: Capitalism vs. Socialism / Judeo-Christianity vs. Radicals”.
It was a vote for what I have said in my book – which, apparently, I should have called ‘Make America Great Again’ - that is the goal of my book and President-Elect Trump.
We cannot predict success for our future – but we can predict failure; that failure was defeated. Now its time to put a full stop to the progressive / socialist agenda. That is why this election was important and the message – having control of all three branches of government – is clear.
I did come pretty close to predicting the election outcome. It wasn’t rocket science and I have never tried before.
I have written many times this election my first, or second, choice was not on the ballot – and my choice will never include any socialist candidate and will always be a fiscal and Constitutional conservative candidate. I’m not sure we have that, fully, in President-Elect Donald J. Trump. We do have faith that at least it will not get worse and will get better. With the other choices – it would have been eight more years of worse than the One Big Ass Mistake America made in 2008 and 2012 for that hopey changey thing that set us back a couple decades and tried to reverse our foundation and change the course of our future.
This election was about stopping the progressive / socialist movement – and it did with a majority (even if by one) of Congress (House and Senate), White House and with new US Supreme Court conservative justices the judicial branch. Having Congress and the White House has not happened since 1928.
Let’s be clear – it is not necessarily good for one ideology to control all branches of government; and our Founding Fathers warned us about this. However, the alternative was going to be the opposite – which would have derailed us into irreversible socialism. This fear was why I wrote my book, ‘Beers With Our Founding Fathers’. I was angry about the attacks on our 2nd Amendment – which is an attack on all our Bill of Rights. I was angry about the spending. I was angry that conservatives stayed home angry at the candidate on the ballot and stayed home or voted minor party. I was angry about the ramming of the first step of socialist healthcare – a planned failure that would be replaced with entirely government run (not just mandated and taxed) healthcare. I was angry about illegal immigration. I was angry about our war on terror – or lack thereof as we began seeing a growing number of domestic splinter attacks. Each of these are addressed in my book. Each of these were addressed by candidate Trump; I was a supporter of Dr. Ben Carson. It is truly like I wrote the book as a guide for the next conservative candidate and he followed it – or has made campaign promises to.
After Carson and Cruz dropped, it took me a bit to come around to Trump, mostly because of his public persona. Then I started listening closely to those who opposed him and why. Then I started thinking about my book. Then I started thinking about my ideal candidate – an independent, business oriented, conservative who will look to our Bill of Rights and Constitution as his guide. Trump was a Democrat early on and for many years. I read his early books, and in recalling those remembered how influential they were to starting and staying in business (since 1987). In fact, I will go back and read them again.
Here's the take away - Bush and Clinton families are both done. The Republican party, which we abandoned many years ago, (GOP for Getting Obviously Progressive) has been shaken to its core and needs to abandon its elitist mentality. Socialism has been stopped and if the GOP commits to its responsibilities, and the attraction socialism will end in the younger generations - where it must. The people have spoken against the blatant corruption, criminality and established elitism.
Many don't realize it - but a 3rd party candidate was elected. Another, Sanders, could have beat a fair - not corrupt - Clinton, and that's scary socialism is that popular. In fact, the 18-25 age group – the next serious group of parents and more active voters – overwhelmingly voted for socialism.
As to the first woman president - there are several better candidates ready to come forward - I look forward to that. She was the worst in many ways – as a person and politician.
The Republicans need to return to those principles I describe in my ‘Freedom Party’ commentary at www.beerswithourfoundingfathers.com/blog---author-thoughts/freedom-party-advice-from-a-patriot
I encourage you to read the full commentary; it begins:
“The progressive-socialist-democrats are experts at divide and conquer. If race baiting doesn't work, its a war on women or some other social issue that is simply a distraction - but a dividing distraction.
If we all set aside personal agendas, and get only a slate of candidates that will support and defend the constitution, while furthering a conservative free market capitalist agenda (fiscal conservative) - we will have a Constitutional Conservative.
This whole 'compromise' thing is simply giving in. The progressive-socialist-democrats are also experts at digging in their heels and not budging - so the GOP believes the progressive-socialist-democrats when they say 'if you want the [pick a minority or group] vote, you need to 'compromise' with us' and, sure enough, the progressive-socialist-democrats get what they always wanted - progress towards their goal and distancing conservatives from theirs.
The standard response (see below) of every Constitutional conservative, when asked about a personal and social issue, should be 'That is a personal social issue. With the individual being the largest minority, our position is for the individual to address their personal needs and beliefs and for us to prosper by the fiscal conservative values of free market capitalism while supporting and defending our Constitution.' I will guarantee success - continuing the path of the GOP is failure."
After this commentary, we saw the rise of the new Tea Party. In my commentary about this I noted the following:
"The Tea Party is excoriated by the media as ultra-right-wing racists, etc. Nothing could be further from the truth. First, take a look back and see the direction our Country has consistently transitioned since the dawn of the 20th Century – left, ‘progressively’ left. That leaves anything else as becoming more and more right. Compared to the socialist / progressive agenda, yes, the Tea Party is far right.
This is what Tea Party represents, and I stand behind it - most people do, they just are afraid to be labeled...
-- No more bailouts
-- Reduce the size and intrusiveness of government
-- Stop raising our taxes
-- Repeal Obamacare
-- Cease out-of-control spending
-- Bring back American prosperity
Do you agree or disagree with these concepts? The alternative is socialism...
-- Nationalize consumer services
-- Increase the size and intrusiveness of government
-- Continue raising our taxes
-- Ignore failures of Obamacare
-- Ignore out-of-control spending
-- Lower socioeconomics over American Prosperity"
Please read this full commentary at www.beerswithourfoundingfathers.com/blog---author-thoughts/the-rise-of-the-tea-party-due-to-political-disparity
When you think of these, what do you think about? A candidate that could not win a third party vote, but as a successful business person worried about the direction of our country, had the financial means to risk it all and take on both parties - and did; in a sense - he risked what our Founding Fathers risked.
I look forward the next four years of establishing a strong foothold to end the progressive / socialist movement in America and to reunite the conservatives – whether it be a Republican party or replaced. Either way, it’s a new party and a correction to put us back to the future our Founding Fathers could not foresee, but laid the foundation for.
I truly revere our Founding Fathers. They were not perfect, they did not necessarily like each other, and they did not agree on many things. However, they worked tirelessly to bring themselves together for a purpose greater than themselves. They were brought together by Divine intervention. My book makes a very important personal disclosure about me – I’m agnostic. Not atheist – big difference. My book details the history and importance of Judeo-Christianity in our culture and lives. Our Founding Fathers believed that Divine intervention brought them together to found a country based on our Natural rights. If you realize all the circumstances and history involved, you will come to realize there was a purpose for them and their resolve - and our own history is that product.
Whether you are atheist, agnostic, or otherwise spiritual - it is easy to see, and cannot be denied, the role that Christianity played in the birth and rise of our country.
Just as it is said Moses presented the 10 Commandments from God, I believe our Founding Fathers presented our Declaration of Independence and later our Bill of Rights (I still think symbolically and intentionally 10) in the same way and clearly tell us these rights are endowed upon us by our Creator.
When I realized what I had stated and published since 2013 as being what is necessary for the preservation of our country, as written on the back of my book it became clear that Trump was more than just the vote for the lesser of two evils, or against the other candidate – “Today our Country is faced with collapsing internally, with external forces also working against who we are. It is not about political party, race, gender, sexual orientation, or other personal identification and social agenda used to prejudice others, class warfare. It is about self-destruction. Very simply, it is: Capitalism vs. Socialism / Judeo-Christianity vs. Radicals”.
It was a vote for what I have said in my book – which, apparently, I should have called ‘Make America Great Again’ - that is the goal of my book and President-Elect Trump.
We cannot predict success for our future – but we can predict failure; that failure was defeated. Now its time to put a full stop to the progressive / socialist agenda. That is why this election was important and the message – having control of all three branches of government – is clear.
I did come pretty close to predicting the election outcome. It wasn’t rocket science and I have never tried before.

This was my prediction 10/22/2016 - based on research, not polls or media (and polls only for very close swing states) - with AZ, NH, MN and MI still out - I'll count them as how they are now leading... I missed MT PA and WV. Projected final is 232 Hilly and 306 Trump. Note – I never thought MT was blue, I must been confused; but its what I published.

This was my prediction yesterday, election morning - based on research, not polls or media (and polls only for very close swing states) - with AZ, NH, MN and MI still out - I'll count them as how they are now leading... I missed MT PA and WV. Projected final is 232 Hilly and 306 Trump.

This was the media / poll map election morning - so, between my two predictions and this one - who was closer? Lesson - do you own independent research and thinking - not media or emotion (FYI - emotion was why I changed CO to Trump yesterday; I hoped).
I missed MT PA and WV. Projected final is 232 Hilly and 306 Trump.
I missed MT PA and WV. Projected final is 232 Hilly and 306 Trump.

What will be our future? I don't know. I do know its better simply for the defeat - not just of a candidate or candidates, but of a corrupt ideology in progressive / socialism. I hope its better for what I very passionately wrote about - day and night, for about 30 days for the draft (what started as a venting - a few pages - became hundreds of pages). I wrote my book so our grandchildren would have something to see for our history; hoping they would not have to fight for it, but ready to if they should – “Seeing the history of our Country ignored – which is to ignore and destroy the future of our Children and Grandchildren.”
If you are curious as to what our believe our next government – President, Congress and Supreme Court – can and will do, email me for a ‘Make America Great Again’ special offer for my book.
Dean A. Beers
American Patriot and Author
[email protected]
If you are curious as to what our believe our next government – President, Congress and Supreme Court – can and will do, email me for a ‘Make America Great Again’ special offer for my book.
Dean A. Beers
American Patriot and Author
[email protected]