Does Your Vote Count?
If You Make It Count!
Why am I supporting Donald Trump? My first pick was Dr. Ben Carson, who received a personalized copy of my book with encouragement to run for our president. Because I do believe Trump did not give up time, resources, business and money - during the campaign and as president - for nothing more than why he has said. For the same reason I wrote my book - there is great concern for where our country will be after this election. The choice is ours - not only in who will be president, but we are making choices for future generations.
My vote is not a party vote – I have been proudly unaffiliated for nearly three decades. It is a Constitutional conservative and fiscal conservative vote – its defeating and ending the progressive / socialist agenda now and for good. After Ben Carson and Ted Cruz dropped, there were no other candidates I trusted with my personal support and vote. Finally, there is no third party vote – none. It’s a simple fact, and here is why…
Historically, conservatives get mad at our final choices for candidates and stay home instead of voting. Demoncrats will vote for their candidate, no matter the choice or character of the candidate – especially if they will 'be part of history'. Ultimately it comes down to one question – what future do you want for our nation – and you have two choices. It’s time to pull up your pants, pull up your boots, dust them off and vote. Some say we do have choices – Libertarian and others – 3rd party. Sure, but they simply do not count after the primaries – and barely during the primaries. Ultimately, Donald Trump fits my profile of a candidate in previous commentary, to grow a new party from the Getting Obviously Progressive (GOP) party – “Freedom Party - Advice from a Patriot” (originally posted 6/30/2013) at www.beerswithourfoundingfathers.com/blog---author-thoughts/freedom-party-advice-from-a-patriot).
In my book, ‘Beers With Our Founding Fathers’, I discuss the Electoral College – a Constitutional compromise that prevented those in power – Congress – from electing our President and Vice President, while giving the People the important right to vote.
“The Electoral College is the Constitutional manner in which the president and vice president are elected based on state delegates (Republic). Each state has a number of electors equal to their congressional representatives (two senators and representatives based on population). These delegates cast their votes based on their state law – either all votes to the candidate winning the majority of the popular vote in that state; or apportioned to the candidates based on their proportion of the popular votes.”
The Electoral College is comprised of the same number of Senators and Representatives for each state and Washington DC – 538 in total; US territories do not have a vote in the general presidential or Congressional elections, and therefore no votes in the Electoral College. US territories do hold primary elections and send delegates to the party convention for nominations.
Think of the Electoral College as proxy voting - a group of people sending their votes to a single proxy voter, who will cast their vote as directed by the popular vote of their constituents. In the Electoral College, 270 votes are needed by a presidential candidate to win the election – which may follow the popular vote, or not (in the George W. Bush / Al Gore election – Bush won the Electoral College to Gore’s winning the popular vote). How the votes in the Electoral College are apportioned to the candidates depends on state law. In every state, except Maine and Nebraska, it is a winner take all the Electoral College votes, based on the popular vote. In Maine and Nebraska they may be apportioned - but never have been, also a winner-take-all. Every popular vote is counted – or not – differently. The largest state, California with 55 Electoral College votes, is a significant win or loss to a candidate – but the smaller ‘battle ground’ states can make the difference.
How important is this to the current election cycle – ideologically the most important of the 20th and 21st centuries? As I have noted in my book, the president is NOT the most important vote – in reality it is the vote for Congress – Representatives and Senators – because you do directly vote and the totality of the votes are what creates law and affirms the higher court judges that interpret and rule on the law. In our Constitution, the three branches are separate but equal – checks and balances. Yes, it is important – it is not the only or most important. It is the most important because the next president will pick perhaps more than half of the current US Supreme Court replacements – and will be affirmed by the new Senate. Both of which must have a conservative – as president and in the majority. It is important because we need a fiscal conservative government, or at least the makings of a new one, to steer us from the fatal course we have been put on the last eight years. The current president has had us on the edge of a cliff – the next will either push us over or pull us back. The choice is ours – YOURS! (expanded commentary on this importance at www.beerswithourfoundingfathers.com/blog---author-thoughts/your-vote-for-your-congress-is-more-important-than-president)
The only reason Hilly is known, and even a candidate, today is because 3rd party votes for Ross Perot (in the George HW Bush / Bill Clinton election and Bill Clinton won as a result. I won't make that mistake twice. Neither should you - unless you want Hilly to win. Even if you considered Libertarian as viable - Johnson has turned into an economic socialist. Perot was a free market capitalist. The only way a 3rd party is viable to win is if they can attain over 1/3 of the popular vote during the primaries – after the primaries, 3rd party is non-existent. George W Bush lost the majority vote to Al Gore – in part also because of the 3rd party candidate – Ralph Nader; the Electoral College kept Al Gore out of office.
Historically, those voting 3rd party would be more inclined to vote GOP and not inclined to vote demoncrat. Based on some states that lost the GOP popular vote and winner takes all to the demoncrats - that's how Ross Perot gave us Clinton the First; and angry GOP and 3rd party will give us Clinton II. It's not winning a state in the Electoral College vote - it's losing.
The problem is protest votes are like not voting. 3rd party is like not voting. It's because of the Electoral College. In the Electoral College only the votes of states and DC count - no territories. Electoral College votes are winner take all, except Maine and Nebraska, which may split the votes based on the popular vote - for realistic purposes - a 3rd party could get one vote from each of these (which could - unlikely but... - send the election to Congress, as close as this race is).
Continuing - that makes it a two party system - it doesn't matter how we feel about that; just reality. A protest vote is essentially not voting to be counted. It is predicted that Maine could be a deciding state with such a predicted EC situation.
Continuing - In Colorado it is close enough Trump is predicted to win - but if he doesn't that is a loss of our nine Electoral College votes to Clinton. If the undecideds / protests vote 3rd party it is a historic fact that the demoncrats will vote their party. It is also a historic fact the mad GOP stay home or vote 3rd party...give such respective states their full Electoral College votes - no matter the ratio of popular vote.
To conclude - YES - it is a waste to not vote, protest vote or 3rd party vote. This can only change if a good enough 3rd party candidate runs. In reality that is what Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders did - they were not previously of their respective parties. Hilly had to rig the primaries to beat Sanders – pathetic. Trump beat out 16 others, including my top three choices.
I understand the protest votes...but having Hilly is simply the worst of worst case scenarios. She could win with barely 1/3. My vote is against her. The real issue is the Electoral College – which is essentially forced to ignore 3rd party votes by most state rules (and in a few – Johnson could get allocated valuable Electoral College votes, giving it to Hilly).
So, what happens if no candidate gets 270 – and we know a 3rd party candidate cannot get 270?
"Our Constitution provides if no candidate receives a majority of Electoral votes, the House of Representatives elects the President from the three Presidential candidates who received the most Electoral votes. Each state delegation has one vote. The Senate would elect the Vice President from the two Vice Presidential candidates with the most Electoral votes. Each Senator would cast one vote for Vice President. If the House of Representatives fails to elect a President by Inauguration Day, the Vice-President Elect serves as acting President until the deadlock is resolved in the House. Current 3rd party candidate Gary Johnson has this goal in mind – and it is statistically possible – however, very unlikely in Congress. Congress will not want a split ticket or a 3rd party president – its that simple." What does this mean? Well, because the candidates Congress would vote on come from those receiving Electoral votes - and currently there is essentially zero possibility of any minor party candidate getting one Electoral vote - Congress will have two choices for president. Its a false belief that a minor party candidate has a chance if the election goes to Congress.
As a candidate from the outside and who I think can restore pride in America again - I do support Trump. For those that do not and still wish for another candidate - we have two choices – no wishing or wanting helps. I want a candidate that is bucking the Getting Obviously Progressive party – I want a Freedom Party style candidate, such as Trump (www.beerswithourfoundingfathers.com/blog---author-thoughts/freedom-party-advice-from-a-patriot). If you are opposed to Trump simply because he was not your choice - think of what my Dad used to say – shit in one hand and want/wish in the other and see which one gets fuller faster. Well, I’m not shitting in my hands – I’m voting and it will be to target that Hilly Clinton is not elected to push us over the cliff.
It is time to end the Progressive / Socialist agenda, once and for all, now - and it begins with stopping Hilly now. If not, 16 years of socialism is unacceptable and is not the future of our grandchildren and great grandchildren I intend to let happen.
Dean A. Beers
Author / American Patriot
See also my related previous commentary “Fixing a Broken Election System” at http://www.beerswithourfoundingfathers.com/blog---author-thoughts/fixing-a-broken-election-system
“Our Founding Fathers were geniuses – individually and in the whole. Over two centuries, some of their genius has been altered in order to garner political control. Three of these are the Electoral College, President and Vice President elections, and popular vote of Senators instead of elected by the state legislatures.
And Part I of the importance of this year's elections "Your Vote for your Congress is MORE important than President" at www.beerswithourfoundingfathers.com/blog---author-thoughts/your-vote-for-your-congress-is-more-important-than-president
Presently, the most ignored Constitutional function of Congress is to check the Executive branch to maintain the balance of powers in the three branches of our government. This is perhaps the most failed series Congress sessions in history. At the time of my book the power had just tipped from the House and Senate being both Democratic controlled to the House become Republican controlled. At this time, with the elections of 2014, both are Republican controlled. You would never know anything happened. The most important mid-term election of our life time wasted. The GOP has long been becoming the party of the Getting Obviously Progressive. That’s a pretty solid position now.
If You Make It Count!
Why am I supporting Donald Trump? My first pick was Dr. Ben Carson, who received a personalized copy of my book with encouragement to run for our president. Because I do believe Trump did not give up time, resources, business and money - during the campaign and as president - for nothing more than why he has said. For the same reason I wrote my book - there is great concern for where our country will be after this election. The choice is ours - not only in who will be president, but we are making choices for future generations.
My vote is not a party vote – I have been proudly unaffiliated for nearly three decades. It is a Constitutional conservative and fiscal conservative vote – its defeating and ending the progressive / socialist agenda now and for good. After Ben Carson and Ted Cruz dropped, there were no other candidates I trusted with my personal support and vote. Finally, there is no third party vote – none. It’s a simple fact, and here is why…
Historically, conservatives get mad at our final choices for candidates and stay home instead of voting. Demoncrats will vote for their candidate, no matter the choice or character of the candidate – especially if they will 'be part of history'. Ultimately it comes down to one question – what future do you want for our nation – and you have two choices. It’s time to pull up your pants, pull up your boots, dust them off and vote. Some say we do have choices – Libertarian and others – 3rd party. Sure, but they simply do not count after the primaries – and barely during the primaries. Ultimately, Donald Trump fits my profile of a candidate in previous commentary, to grow a new party from the Getting Obviously Progressive (GOP) party – “Freedom Party - Advice from a Patriot” (originally posted 6/30/2013) at www.beerswithourfoundingfathers.com/blog---author-thoughts/freedom-party-advice-from-a-patriot).
In my book, ‘Beers With Our Founding Fathers’, I discuss the Electoral College – a Constitutional compromise that prevented those in power – Congress – from electing our President and Vice President, while giving the People the important right to vote.
“The Electoral College is the Constitutional manner in which the president and vice president are elected based on state delegates (Republic). Each state has a number of electors equal to their congressional representatives (two senators and representatives based on population). These delegates cast their votes based on their state law – either all votes to the candidate winning the majority of the popular vote in that state; or apportioned to the candidates based on their proportion of the popular votes.”
The Electoral College is comprised of the same number of Senators and Representatives for each state and Washington DC – 538 in total; US territories do not have a vote in the general presidential or Congressional elections, and therefore no votes in the Electoral College. US territories do hold primary elections and send delegates to the party convention for nominations.
Think of the Electoral College as proxy voting - a group of people sending their votes to a single proxy voter, who will cast their vote as directed by the popular vote of their constituents. In the Electoral College, 270 votes are needed by a presidential candidate to win the election – which may follow the popular vote, or not (in the George W. Bush / Al Gore election – Bush won the Electoral College to Gore’s winning the popular vote). How the votes in the Electoral College are apportioned to the candidates depends on state law. In every state, except Maine and Nebraska, it is a winner take all the Electoral College votes, based on the popular vote. In Maine and Nebraska they may be apportioned - but never have been, also a winner-take-all. Every popular vote is counted – or not – differently. The largest state, California with 55 Electoral College votes, is a significant win or loss to a candidate – but the smaller ‘battle ground’ states can make the difference.
How important is this to the current election cycle – ideologically the most important of the 20th and 21st centuries? As I have noted in my book, the president is NOT the most important vote – in reality it is the vote for Congress – Representatives and Senators – because you do directly vote and the totality of the votes are what creates law and affirms the higher court judges that interpret and rule on the law. In our Constitution, the three branches are separate but equal – checks and balances. Yes, it is important – it is not the only or most important. It is the most important because the next president will pick perhaps more than half of the current US Supreme Court replacements – and will be affirmed by the new Senate. Both of which must have a conservative – as president and in the majority. It is important because we need a fiscal conservative government, or at least the makings of a new one, to steer us from the fatal course we have been put on the last eight years. The current president has had us on the edge of a cliff – the next will either push us over or pull us back. The choice is ours – YOURS! (expanded commentary on this importance at www.beerswithourfoundingfathers.com/blog---author-thoughts/your-vote-for-your-congress-is-more-important-than-president)
The only reason Hilly is known, and even a candidate, today is because 3rd party votes for Ross Perot (in the George HW Bush / Bill Clinton election and Bill Clinton won as a result. I won't make that mistake twice. Neither should you - unless you want Hilly to win. Even if you considered Libertarian as viable - Johnson has turned into an economic socialist. Perot was a free market capitalist. The only way a 3rd party is viable to win is if they can attain over 1/3 of the popular vote during the primaries – after the primaries, 3rd party is non-existent. George W Bush lost the majority vote to Al Gore – in part also because of the 3rd party candidate – Ralph Nader; the Electoral College kept Al Gore out of office.
Historically, those voting 3rd party would be more inclined to vote GOP and not inclined to vote demoncrat. Based on some states that lost the GOP popular vote and winner takes all to the demoncrats - that's how Ross Perot gave us Clinton the First; and angry GOP and 3rd party will give us Clinton II. It's not winning a state in the Electoral College vote - it's losing.
The problem is protest votes are like not voting. 3rd party is like not voting. It's because of the Electoral College. In the Electoral College only the votes of states and DC count - no territories. Electoral College votes are winner take all, except Maine and Nebraska, which may split the votes based on the popular vote - for realistic purposes - a 3rd party could get one vote from each of these (which could - unlikely but... - send the election to Congress, as close as this race is).
Continuing - that makes it a two party system - it doesn't matter how we feel about that; just reality. A protest vote is essentially not voting to be counted. It is predicted that Maine could be a deciding state with such a predicted EC situation.
Continuing - In Colorado it is close enough Trump is predicted to win - but if he doesn't that is a loss of our nine Electoral College votes to Clinton. If the undecideds / protests vote 3rd party it is a historic fact that the demoncrats will vote their party. It is also a historic fact the mad GOP stay home or vote 3rd party...give such respective states their full Electoral College votes - no matter the ratio of popular vote.
To conclude - YES - it is a waste to not vote, protest vote or 3rd party vote. This can only change if a good enough 3rd party candidate runs. In reality that is what Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders did - they were not previously of their respective parties. Hilly had to rig the primaries to beat Sanders – pathetic. Trump beat out 16 others, including my top three choices.
I understand the protest votes...but having Hilly is simply the worst of worst case scenarios. She could win with barely 1/3. My vote is against her. The real issue is the Electoral College – which is essentially forced to ignore 3rd party votes by most state rules (and in a few – Johnson could get allocated valuable Electoral College votes, giving it to Hilly).
So, what happens if no candidate gets 270 – and we know a 3rd party candidate cannot get 270?
"Our Constitution provides if no candidate receives a majority of Electoral votes, the House of Representatives elects the President from the three Presidential candidates who received the most Electoral votes. Each state delegation has one vote. The Senate would elect the Vice President from the two Vice Presidential candidates with the most Electoral votes. Each Senator would cast one vote for Vice President. If the House of Representatives fails to elect a President by Inauguration Day, the Vice-President Elect serves as acting President until the deadlock is resolved in the House. Current 3rd party candidate Gary Johnson has this goal in mind – and it is statistically possible – however, very unlikely in Congress. Congress will not want a split ticket or a 3rd party president – its that simple." What does this mean? Well, because the candidates Congress would vote on come from those receiving Electoral votes - and currently there is essentially zero possibility of any minor party candidate getting one Electoral vote - Congress will have two choices for president. Its a false belief that a minor party candidate has a chance if the election goes to Congress.
As a candidate from the outside and who I think can restore pride in America again - I do support Trump. For those that do not and still wish for another candidate - we have two choices – no wishing or wanting helps. I want a candidate that is bucking the Getting Obviously Progressive party – I want a Freedom Party style candidate, such as Trump (www.beerswithourfoundingfathers.com/blog---author-thoughts/freedom-party-advice-from-a-patriot). If you are opposed to Trump simply because he was not your choice - think of what my Dad used to say – shit in one hand and want/wish in the other and see which one gets fuller faster. Well, I’m not shitting in my hands – I’m voting and it will be to target that Hilly Clinton is not elected to push us over the cliff.
It is time to end the Progressive / Socialist agenda, once and for all, now - and it begins with stopping Hilly now. If not, 16 years of socialism is unacceptable and is not the future of our grandchildren and great grandchildren I intend to let happen.
Dean A. Beers
Author / American Patriot
See also my related previous commentary “Fixing a Broken Election System” at http://www.beerswithourfoundingfathers.com/blog---author-thoughts/fixing-a-broken-election-system
“Our Founding Fathers were geniuses – individually and in the whole. Over two centuries, some of their genius has been altered in order to garner political control. Three of these are the Electoral College, President and Vice President elections, and popular vote of Senators instead of elected by the state legislatures.
And Part I of the importance of this year's elections "Your Vote for your Congress is MORE important than President" at www.beerswithourfoundingfathers.com/blog---author-thoughts/your-vote-for-your-congress-is-more-important-than-president
Presently, the most ignored Constitutional function of Congress is to check the Executive branch to maintain the balance of powers in the three branches of our government. This is perhaps the most failed series Congress sessions in history. At the time of my book the power had just tipped from the House and Senate being both Democratic controlled to the House become Republican controlled. At this time, with the elections of 2014, both are Republican controlled. You would never know anything happened. The most important mid-term election of our life time wasted. The GOP has long been becoming the party of the Getting Obviously Progressive. That’s a pretty solid position now.