Beers with our Founding Fathers - Loss of Direction
Beers with our Founding Fathers
Loss of Direction
-- Loss of Direction
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(opening paragraph)
The Loss of Direction
Part of the birth of this work came in recent travels for me and Karen. In 2012 we chose to be more independent and travel as we wish. Our ‘Beers Maiden Voyage – Noun Tour – People, Places and Things’ took us through 26 states and 7,000 miles; we saw history! We took photographs with the Liberty Bell, stood where freedom and documents were debated, voted on and declared. We saw Lady Liberty, and drove emotionally around Ground Zero in New York City, New York. I have walked among the heroes at Arlington National Cemetery and (almost) touched our founding documents, stood in memorials to our Founding Fathers and much more. These travels and the events of a depressed economy lending to the oppression of our Country, the encroachment of socialism and people who voted on emotion (not an intelligent act – Tunnel Intelligence) over being informed, and that they were: 1) propagating the unearned taxpayer funded government handouts mentality; or 2) self-perpetuating victims – continue to be victimized into believing the propagation of the handout mentality; or 3) voted for hopes of selfish unearned taxpayer funded government handouts – all eventually shaped the thought processes of this work. We are all the players in a Ponzi scheme of indescribable proportions and consequences.
Loss of Direction
-- Loss of Direction
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(opening paragraph)
The Loss of Direction
Part of the birth of this work came in recent travels for me and Karen. In 2012 we chose to be more independent and travel as we wish. Our ‘Beers Maiden Voyage – Noun Tour – People, Places and Things’ took us through 26 states and 7,000 miles; we saw history! We took photographs with the Liberty Bell, stood where freedom and documents were debated, voted on and declared. We saw Lady Liberty, and drove emotionally around Ground Zero in New York City, New York. I have walked among the heroes at Arlington National Cemetery and (almost) touched our founding documents, stood in memorials to our Founding Fathers and much more. These travels and the events of a depressed economy lending to the oppression of our Country, the encroachment of socialism and people who voted on emotion (not an intelligent act – Tunnel Intelligence) over being informed, and that they were: 1) propagating the unearned taxpayer funded government handouts mentality; or 2) self-perpetuating victims – continue to be victimized into believing the propagation of the handout mentality; or 3) voted for hopes of selfish unearned taxpayer funded government handouts – all eventually shaped the thought processes of this work. We are all the players in a Ponzi scheme of indescribable proportions and consequences.