Suggested additional commentary:"Freedom Party - Advice from a Patriot" ( - The progressive-socialist-democrats are experts at divide and conquer. If race baiting doesn't work, its a war on women or some other social issue that is simply a distraction - but a dividing distraction.
The Rise of the Tea Party Due to Political Disparity
From a friend of many years, admittedly left leaning, but moderate. “Moderation is the key. As a society, we will never agree until we understand moderation.”
I am right leaning, moderate on social issues and strong on fiscal issues…
Moderates, as much as we might like that, don't exist in party platforms...only in our minds. Democrats are not liberals and Republicans are not conservative. What does exist in reality is either socialist or conservative. Socialism is unconstitutional and conservatism is the foundation of a civilized and productive society and republic.
People are / can be moderate; politicians cannot be because of party platforms. Conservatism is a fiscal ideology, not a social ideology and liberalism is a social ideology. That is what has political parties ideologies instead of fiscal.
The Tea Party is excoriated by the media as ultra-right-wing racists, etc. Nothing could be further from the truth. First, take a look back and see the direction our Country has consistently transitioned since the dawn of the 20th Century – left, ‘progressively’ left. That leaves anything else as becoming more and more right. Compared to the socialist / progressive agenda, yes, the Tea Party is far right. But let’s first look at that before continuing with the ideological disparities – one ties into the other.
FYI - the reason the Tea Party is seen as 'far right' is because the moderate left has long been far left and the GOP has Gotten Obviously Progressive (left). On a scale of 1-5 for right, Tea Party is about 3. There is no relationship between Tea Party and those 4-5 far right groups.
This is what Tea Party represents, and I stand behind it - most people do, they just are afraid to be labeled...
-- No more bailouts
-- Reduce the size and intrusiveness of government
-- Stop raising our taxes
-- Repeal Obamacare
-- Cease out-of-control spending
-- Bring back American prosperity
Do you agree or disagree with these concepts? The alternative is socialism...
-- Nationalize consumer services
-- Increase the size and intrusiveness of government
-- Continue raising our taxes
-- Ignore failures of Obamacare
-- Ignore out-of-control spending
-- Lower socioeconomics over American Prosperity
To better explain the concept of political disparity, here is an excerpt from my book, ‘Beers with our Founding Fathers’ ( Political Ideologies - From Lug Nut to Wing Nut.
Through the centuries of our Country, there have been changes in the political party landscape every few decades. Parties may change names but not ideologies, or ideologies but not names – historically even a whole new name and ideology. These represent the continued advancement of our Country – not progressive movement or forward movement; those are both ideologically socialist slogans. Capitalism advances every person, society and our Country as a whole – it has never failed! One example would be the Democratic ideology through the 1960’s that was for lower taxes and not asking what your unearned entitlements from your country are; but, what your country needs of you. These ideologies of the Democratic party have morphed into the polar opposite – increase taxes, more taxpayer government handouts and unearned entitlements, reduced earned benefits and unfathomable increased spending.
I am a conservative Independent. Both parties are wrecked by focusing on social issues. It is what attracts the Parasitic Cult, but repels the Fiscal Culture. If there is no economy, social issues do not matter. As the left (Democrats, liberals, progressives, socialists, etc.) focus more on social issues, the faster the spiral into the economic abyss we go. If discussing politics, religion and social issues among friends is taboo – why in the world would these subjects be made part of the candidate’s party platform?
Independents are not party affiliated because the parties have become incoherent to the core issues – the economy and our Constitution. Both parties are guilty of: 1) A form of indentured servitude or slavery through illegal immigration pandering; 2) A form of indentured servitude or slavery through perpetual unearned taxpayer funded government handouts; 3) Continuing the divisiveness needed to feed the disparity of socioeconomic classes; and 4) Vote pandering.
The political ideology scale is generally subdivided into fiscal, earned benefits and unearned handouts, social and religious parts of the overall equation. But – only the economy matters, and therefore also funded earned benefits; nothing else does – they are personal, not political. Politics is only business, nothing personal. However, unearned entitlements (taxpayer funded handouts of the Parasitic Cults) are personal and valued by the socialist Democrats. So focusing only on those – the Parasitic Cult tends to be more left of center and the economy class tends to be right of center. Although parties and ideology may seem close to center, they are a full span apart – they are essentially polar opposites. As an analogy, if the United States coasts are fives and you live in Denver (Colorado), with a friend living in Indianapolis (Indiana), and a mutual friend lives midway in Topeka (Kansas) – Denver and Indianapolis are equidistant from Topeka, but you are both twice as far from each other as to Topeka. Distant, whether across the aisle or across the country is relative to the starting and end point, not the center.
Independents are still looking for their ideal party to come to grips, we can see why there is such divisiveness between political views – and by inference – personal ideologies and agendas. There is a warning to this – the more divisive these ideologies and agendas become, the closer our Country is to anarchy. Anarchy will happen when both ideologies find themselves at opposite ends of the spectrum. Hear me again – the Parasitic Cult and their socialist party will continue to indoctrinate and victimize while moving left. The Fiscal Culture cannot continue to move right – must jettison the social issues and non-economic issues.
-- A Republican is not necessarily a conservative; a conservative is not necessarily a Fiscal Culturist;
-- A liberal is not necessarily a socialist; a socialist is not necessarily a Parasitic Cultist;
-- Fiscal Culture – typically a conservative who values the free market capitalist foundation, history and future of our Country;
-- Benefit Culture – Benefits are ‘Earned’ entitlements, and are not remotely synonymous with ‘Unearned’ entitlements. Earned benefits include Social Security, pensions and other beneficiaries of government and private programs due to their personal contributions. The Benefit Culture should be aligned with the Fiscal Culture; and
-- Parasitic Cult – Their existence is dependent on taking from others without any personal contribution or responsibility; they are pathological victimizers. This would include ‘Unearned’ entitlements (government handouts) such as taxpayer funded public assistance beyond Well Fair, medical care and other benefits of government and private programs without any personal contribution and a false sense of otherwise deserving by an non-existent ‘right’ as opposed to a real need or special privilege.
There is only one possible way to fix this – elect Fiscal Culture candidates, regardless of their party affiliation or your own. There is a political axiom – ‘party trumps candidate’ and I agree with this – except the Republic party is full of Republicans in Name Only (RINOs) or GOP being Getting Obviously Progressive a/k/a progressive conservatives (Democrats that simply have not changed party affiliation). To be certain of a Fiscal Culture candidate on the general election ballot, it is important for all social platform candidates to be removed in the caucuses and primary elections. Then, and only then, will party truly trump candidate and the Fiscal Culture be victorious.
Dean A. Beers, American Patriot
Author and Speaker – Beers with our Founding Fathers
[email protected]
The Rise of the Tea Party Due to Political Disparity
From a friend of many years, admittedly left leaning, but moderate. “Moderation is the key. As a society, we will never agree until we understand moderation.”
I am right leaning, moderate on social issues and strong on fiscal issues…
Moderates, as much as we might like that, don't exist in party platforms...only in our minds. Democrats are not liberals and Republicans are not conservative. What does exist in reality is either socialist or conservative. Socialism is unconstitutional and conservatism is the foundation of a civilized and productive society and republic.
People are / can be moderate; politicians cannot be because of party platforms. Conservatism is a fiscal ideology, not a social ideology and liberalism is a social ideology. That is what has political parties ideologies instead of fiscal.
The Tea Party is excoriated by the media as ultra-right-wing racists, etc. Nothing could be further from the truth. First, take a look back and see the direction our Country has consistently transitioned since the dawn of the 20th Century – left, ‘progressively’ left. That leaves anything else as becoming more and more right. Compared to the socialist / progressive agenda, yes, the Tea Party is far right. But let’s first look at that before continuing with the ideological disparities – one ties into the other.
FYI - the reason the Tea Party is seen as 'far right' is because the moderate left has long been far left and the GOP has Gotten Obviously Progressive (left). On a scale of 1-5 for right, Tea Party is about 3. There is no relationship between Tea Party and those 4-5 far right groups.
This is what Tea Party represents, and I stand behind it - most people do, they just are afraid to be labeled...
-- No more bailouts
-- Reduce the size and intrusiveness of government
-- Stop raising our taxes
-- Repeal Obamacare
-- Cease out-of-control spending
-- Bring back American prosperity
Do you agree or disagree with these concepts? The alternative is socialism...
-- Nationalize consumer services
-- Increase the size and intrusiveness of government
-- Continue raising our taxes
-- Ignore failures of Obamacare
-- Ignore out-of-control spending
-- Lower socioeconomics over American Prosperity
To better explain the concept of political disparity, here is an excerpt from my book, ‘Beers with our Founding Fathers’ ( Political Ideologies - From Lug Nut to Wing Nut.
Through the centuries of our Country, there have been changes in the political party landscape every few decades. Parties may change names but not ideologies, or ideologies but not names – historically even a whole new name and ideology. These represent the continued advancement of our Country – not progressive movement or forward movement; those are both ideologically socialist slogans. Capitalism advances every person, society and our Country as a whole – it has never failed! One example would be the Democratic ideology through the 1960’s that was for lower taxes and not asking what your unearned entitlements from your country are; but, what your country needs of you. These ideologies of the Democratic party have morphed into the polar opposite – increase taxes, more taxpayer government handouts and unearned entitlements, reduced earned benefits and unfathomable increased spending.
I am a conservative Independent. Both parties are wrecked by focusing on social issues. It is what attracts the Parasitic Cult, but repels the Fiscal Culture. If there is no economy, social issues do not matter. As the left (Democrats, liberals, progressives, socialists, etc.) focus more on social issues, the faster the spiral into the economic abyss we go. If discussing politics, religion and social issues among friends is taboo – why in the world would these subjects be made part of the candidate’s party platform?
Independents are not party affiliated because the parties have become incoherent to the core issues – the economy and our Constitution. Both parties are guilty of: 1) A form of indentured servitude or slavery through illegal immigration pandering; 2) A form of indentured servitude or slavery through perpetual unearned taxpayer funded government handouts; 3) Continuing the divisiveness needed to feed the disparity of socioeconomic classes; and 4) Vote pandering.
The political ideology scale is generally subdivided into fiscal, earned benefits and unearned handouts, social and religious parts of the overall equation. But – only the economy matters, and therefore also funded earned benefits; nothing else does – they are personal, not political. Politics is only business, nothing personal. However, unearned entitlements (taxpayer funded handouts of the Parasitic Cults) are personal and valued by the socialist Democrats. So focusing only on those – the Parasitic Cult tends to be more left of center and the economy class tends to be right of center. Although parties and ideology may seem close to center, they are a full span apart – they are essentially polar opposites. As an analogy, if the United States coasts are fives and you live in Denver (Colorado), with a friend living in Indianapolis (Indiana), and a mutual friend lives midway in Topeka (Kansas) – Denver and Indianapolis are equidistant from Topeka, but you are both twice as far from each other as to Topeka. Distant, whether across the aisle or across the country is relative to the starting and end point, not the center.
Independents are still looking for their ideal party to come to grips, we can see why there is such divisiveness between political views – and by inference – personal ideologies and agendas. There is a warning to this – the more divisive these ideologies and agendas become, the closer our Country is to anarchy. Anarchy will happen when both ideologies find themselves at opposite ends of the spectrum. Hear me again – the Parasitic Cult and their socialist party will continue to indoctrinate and victimize while moving left. The Fiscal Culture cannot continue to move right – must jettison the social issues and non-economic issues.
-- A Republican is not necessarily a conservative; a conservative is not necessarily a Fiscal Culturist;
-- A liberal is not necessarily a socialist; a socialist is not necessarily a Parasitic Cultist;
-- Fiscal Culture – typically a conservative who values the free market capitalist foundation, history and future of our Country;
-- Benefit Culture – Benefits are ‘Earned’ entitlements, and are not remotely synonymous with ‘Unearned’ entitlements. Earned benefits include Social Security, pensions and other beneficiaries of government and private programs due to their personal contributions. The Benefit Culture should be aligned with the Fiscal Culture; and
-- Parasitic Cult – Their existence is dependent on taking from others without any personal contribution or responsibility; they are pathological victimizers. This would include ‘Unearned’ entitlements (government handouts) such as taxpayer funded public assistance beyond Well Fair, medical care and other benefits of government and private programs without any personal contribution and a false sense of otherwise deserving by an non-existent ‘right’ as opposed to a real need or special privilege.
There is only one possible way to fix this – elect Fiscal Culture candidates, regardless of their party affiliation or your own. There is a political axiom – ‘party trumps candidate’ and I agree with this – except the Republic party is full of Republicans in Name Only (RINOs) or GOP being Getting Obviously Progressive a/k/a progressive conservatives (Democrats that simply have not changed party affiliation). To be certain of a Fiscal Culture candidate on the general election ballot, it is important for all social platform candidates to be removed in the caucuses and primary elections. Then, and only then, will party truly trump candidate and the Fiscal Culture be victorious.
Dean A. Beers, American Patriot
Author and Speaker – Beers with our Founding Fathers
[email protected]