– Patrick Henry, March 23rd 1775 – Virginia Provincial Convention
Fiscal Culture of Capitalism vs. Parasitic Cult of Socialism
The history of a Government of the People, by the People and For the People to
a Socialist Government of the People, by the Government, for the Government
– Socialism. It is one or the other, we cannot have it both ways.
Dean A. Beers is a United States Citizen, born in Fort Collins, Colorado. He is a 7th generation native of the area. Sadly, he sees his home state spiraling in the same direction as our Country, and other states.
Dean is straight-forward, no non-sense and not politically correct. His words may inspire or inflame the reader – the intent is to invoke thought. A business owner, capitalist pig, and firm believer in the foundation and intent of all three branches of the federal government and state governments.