Headline – Prince Charles: reform capitalism to save the planet
In a speech to business leaders in London, prince Charles said that a “fundamental transformation of global capitalism” was necessary in order to halt “dangerously accelerating climate change” that would “bring us to our own destruction”.
Full story - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/prince-charles/10859230/Prince-Charles-reform-capitalism-to-save-the-planet.html
Climate change (you can't say 'global warming' any more) – really? No, and here is why – at the very end of his speech, “I remember when the Iron Curtain came down there was a certain amount of shouting about the triumph of capitalism over communism. Being somewhat contrary, I didn't think it was quite as simple as that. I felt that unless the business world considered the social, community and environmental dimensions, we might end up coming full circle.”
Royalty is socialism – they have to have socialism to survive and thrive. Here is what his speech was really about:
Headline – British Royal family’s savings down to just $1.6M: report
“The Royals need to stop spending so much money, English officials warn, as Queen Elizabeth’s savings plunge from $58 million to $1.6 million. Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle are falling apart, with ancient boilers costing $1.2 million each year.”
Full story - http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/royal-family-financial-crisis-article-1.1593645#ixzz332lCXc8j
My book, ‘Beers with our Founding Fathers’ covers the history and direction of our Country, and those issues of past and present and will set the course of our future. What did I have to say about royal families and socialism?
From the chapter, ‘The Magna Carta’ – “It is important to note nearly every country, until the birth of our own, was ruled by royalty – king or queen, emperor or empress, czar or czaress, etc. Other countries were ruled by dictators, etc. Royalty also consisted of lesser titles, but no ‘commoner’ was in a ruling party – the world was dominated by a class system, with no chance of changing one’s status. The status of royalty was said to be granted by god and birth. Royalty ruled by absolute authority, until the Magna Carta and representation in a parliament. The Magna Carta, for the first time, limited royalty and empowered – to a constrained degree – the citizens. It should also be noted that the events leading up to this historical event were based on a conflict between the Catholic pope, and excessive – extortion levels – taxes.”
As they say, follow the money.
Learn the answers and history of our Country, Founding Fathers and Founding Documents detailed in the newly published ‘Beers with our Founding Fathers’ – all formats (paperback, Kindle, etc.) are available from http://www.beerswithourfoundingfathers.com/order.html
In a speech to business leaders in London, prince Charles said that a “fundamental transformation of global capitalism” was necessary in order to halt “dangerously accelerating climate change” that would “bring us to our own destruction”.
Full story - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/prince-charles/10859230/Prince-Charles-reform-capitalism-to-save-the-planet.html
Climate change (you can't say 'global warming' any more) – really? No, and here is why – at the very end of his speech, “I remember when the Iron Curtain came down there was a certain amount of shouting about the triumph of capitalism over communism. Being somewhat contrary, I didn't think it was quite as simple as that. I felt that unless the business world considered the social, community and environmental dimensions, we might end up coming full circle.”
Royalty is socialism – they have to have socialism to survive and thrive. Here is what his speech was really about:
Headline – British Royal family’s savings down to just $1.6M: report
“The Royals need to stop spending so much money, English officials warn, as Queen Elizabeth’s savings plunge from $58 million to $1.6 million. Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle are falling apart, with ancient boilers costing $1.2 million each year.”
Full story - http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/royal-family-financial-crisis-article-1.1593645#ixzz332lCXc8j
My book, ‘Beers with our Founding Fathers’ covers the history and direction of our Country, and those issues of past and present and will set the course of our future. What did I have to say about royal families and socialism?
From the chapter, ‘The Magna Carta’ – “It is important to note nearly every country, until the birth of our own, was ruled by royalty – king or queen, emperor or empress, czar or czaress, etc. Other countries were ruled by dictators, etc. Royalty also consisted of lesser titles, but no ‘commoner’ was in a ruling party – the world was dominated by a class system, with no chance of changing one’s status. The status of royalty was said to be granted by god and birth. Royalty ruled by absolute authority, until the Magna Carta and representation in a parliament. The Magna Carta, for the first time, limited royalty and empowered – to a constrained degree – the citizens. It should also be noted that the events leading up to this historical event were based on a conflict between the Catholic pope, and excessive – extortion levels – taxes.”
As they say, follow the money.
Learn the answers and history of our Country, Founding Fathers and Founding Documents detailed in the newly published ‘Beers with our Founding Fathers’ – all formats (paperback, Kindle, etc.) are available from http://www.beerswithourfoundingfathers.com/order.html