The GOP has lost its way - and I'm not sure its recoverable, at least in time to win the next election. A conservative party needs to be grounded in the roots of our Country's history - the Constitution - and the economy. To not pay attention to either is to give in to socialism.
The Socialists' 100 Reasons Why President Obama Is NOT The Same As President Bush
A socialist posted a link to these 100 items on another person’s Facebook wall in response to my opposing socialism. On the surface, it would seem that some may not realize there are differences between Obama an Bush – but only if your head has been in the sand.
Obama is the Socialist in Chief, Bush is a conservative (and I make no apologies for his screw ups). That difference is not on this list…but that is what the list is telling you. My opinions, some ideological, are noted.
At least 10 of these 100 are repeats, most worded differently. Several are truly pointless – such as one of my favorites #99.
I believe government should be only about our Constitution and economy – fiscal conservative, limited government. 100% opposed to socialism. 100% in support of programs that help those less fortunate – but you will have to read my book to find out what my foundations for these are and why going back to the roots of our Country is the answer.
1. Bush started the war in Iraq and Obama ended it. True, that is what happened.
2. Bush lowered taxes on the wealthy and Obama raised taxes on the wealthy. Raising taxes is nothing to be proud of. Lowering taxes is – and the taxes were lowered across the board. I did not and do not agree with the lowering of payroll taxes – it depletes the social security fund.
3. Bush tried to give Social Security to Wall Street and Obama protected it. It would be better privatized – but the government needs the money.
4. Bush left office with a $1 trillion deficit and Obama has lowered it. Huh? The magic of number manipulation.
5. President Bush ignored the War in Afghanistan and Obama made it his focus. It should not have been ignored. However, deaths have risen in ½ the term of Obama vs. Bush – not sure what that is about.
6. Bush didn’t kill Osama Bin Laden; Obama did. UBL was killed at Tora Bora. However, the SEALs killed someone based on intelligence started under Bush. Neither killed anyone.
7. Bush sanctioned torture and Obama ended torture. Torture has to be defined. I do not consider waterboarding torture.
8. Bush opened the Gitmo prison and Obama is trying to close it. Opened to keep terrorists off of American soil and courts. Obama announced plans to close in his FIRST speech – still hasn’t. Bush never promised to close it.
9. Bush instituted the failed No Child Left Behind education program and Obama ended it. It was a plan of good intentions that is bureaucratized, abused and a failure.
10. Bush relied on military force while Obama has relied on diplomacy. Diplomacy was tried for a long time, before Clinton. What successes has Obama had with diplomacy?
11. Bush nominated mostly men to the Supreme Court and Obama has focused on nominating women. (Bush nominated one woman, but she was totally unqualified for the position.) Why focus on any sex – that is a biased litmus test. Vote pandering.
12. Bush nominated white men to the Supreme Court while Obama has nominated a white woman and a Latina. Why focus on any sex or race – those are biased litmus tests. Vote pandering.
13. Bush was placed in office by a conservative-leaning Supreme Court in 2000 while Obama won each of his elections legitimately. His legitimacy – both as a candidate and winning will always be in question. Gore wanted only selected democratic counties recounted, SCOTUS said no. That being said, the courts should not be involved in these – it should have went to the House.
14. Bush took unilateral action in foreign policy while Obama has worked more with our allies. Simply not true. Colin Powell made the argument before the UN.
15. Bush responded poorly to natural disasters like Katrina, while Obama has responded more than adequately to disasters like Irene and Sandy. FEMA failed to appropriately respond, states failed to request aid timely and some declined the aid. Response to natural disasters is an emotional purpose.
16. Bush detained terrorists without due process and Obama has had terrorists prosecuted successfully with due process. What terrorist has been prosecuted?
17. Bush deregulated big banks and Obama reinstated some of those regulations. Not a good idea to deregulate as it was done, a conservative value. Obamas reinstatement is a liberal value that is yet to be tested.
18. Bush never signed an Equal Pay for women bill while Obama did. It was the first piece of legislation he signed. That is realistically covered under other laws and is actually a waste.
19. Bush tarnished America’s reputation around the world and Obama is restoring it. Completely disagree and find the opposite.
20. Bush invaded a country illegally while Obama has done no such thing. I’ll question illegally; however, Obama did not have to, it was already done – and he has expanded the use of drones.
21. Bush had a cooperative Congress for most of his administration, while Obama hasn’t. Both have had cooperative and uncooperative – most of the issues of today are because of Congress and Obama having created socioeconomic divides, focusing on social issues, and vote pandering. Presidents only cooperate with Congress when its beneficial. Obama would not have had the socialist laws he wanted passed without a cooperative Congress - so much so that, as an example, the healthcare bill was passed before anyone knew what was in it.
22. Bush used fear to control the American public while Obama has not. So, what is Obama using to control the public? Socialism - which is control.
23. Obama instituted healthcare reform that covers millions of people; the topic was not on Bush’s agenda. This healthcare reform is an economic and freedom grab – it is not about healthcare.
24. Obama ended ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’. President Bush continued it. This was a bad policy under Clinton that served a limited purpose that’s effectiveness is yet to be determined.
25. Obama supports marriage equality and Bush does not. What is marriage equality? This is often based on religious beliefs in an attempt to legislate morality. I don’t oppose equality.
26. Bush supported anti-union policies while Obama supports unions. Not a good thing – this is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies.
27. Obama has expanded land and water conservation programs more than Bush. That should read that the EPA has instituted more regulations. Bigger government. Water conservation is good – big government is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies.
28. Obama has provided generous subsides to alternative energy producers. Bush didn’t do this. And how many of those have failed? Subsidies – of any kind – is a taxpayer funded government handout. This is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies.
29. Obama instituted tough emissions standards for cars and factories. Bush did no such thing. Simply not true.
30. Obama believes in climate change and that mankind has played a big role in that change. Bush is a climate change denier. Climate change is a proven fallacy.
31. Under Obama, the stock market has eclipsed 15,000 points. It never got that high under Bush. The stock market tanked a few times under Bush – 9/11 being one – and rebounded. It got past 10,000 under Bush and continued to grow. It took five years for it to grow about ½ of what did under Bush’s first term.
32. Obama created the Consumer Financial Protection Agency to protect consumers from unfair banking practices. Bush allowed the banks to use unfair practices at will. From an investigative view this is not as good as it looks. The purpose was well intended – the final program is not. This was also introduced by Congress, not Obama.
33. Obama is pursuing gun control laws in response to tragic mass shootings while Bush took a hands-off approach. Bush supports our Constitution – Obama does not. Our Second Amendment is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies.
34. Obama has cut defense spending while Bush only increased it. War will do that. Guess what spending Obama did increase, that Bush did not, that is not on this list?
35. Obama is bringing clean energy to the armed forces. Bush did not. The technology being used today was developed under research of the Bush era and began to be implemented. Large implementation is good – except, Obama is spending more on this clean energy than was being spent before; no savings are being realized.
36. Obama has created more private sector jobs than Bush did. Presidents – government –do not create or lose jobs; their policies have a role. However, the bottom line is that under Obama first lost more jobs than Bush and has yet to recover those jobs.
37. Obama is for reducing and eliminating all nuclear arsenals. Bush withdrew America from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty which is the opposite of Obama’s stance. Obama thinks our enemies will be our friends. He has not read Sun Tzu or the history of the Cold War. He was too busy being a puppet of and being an activist.
38. Obama supports Planned Parenthood while Bush did not. This is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies. Planned Parenthood has its purposes, and it does not. Regardless of view – it should not be funded by taxpayer dollars. Social issues should not be part of the political process.
39. Obama supports a woman’s right to choose while Bush does not. This is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies. Planned Parenthood has its purposes, and it does not. Regardless of view – it should not be funded by taxpayer dollars. Social issues should not be part of the political process.
40. Obama and Bush both support fighting the AIDS epidemic, but only Obama supports the use of condoms as part of the fight. Not really getting this one – condom use is now political. Social issues should not be part of the political process.
41. Obama hasn’t landed on an aircraft carrier to falsely declare mission accomplished. Bush did. Not a good moment. Didn’t understand it then – it was obvious combat operations were not over.
42. Obama has taken far less vacation days than Bush. Recalculate that. Count golf days and count taxpayer dollars used extravagantly.
43. Obama has written personal checks to Americans in need. Bush never did that. Are you sure? Do we care? What charitable issues has Obama been involved in that are not government programs.
44. Obama isn’t being used as a puppet by his Vice-President. Bush kinda was. Biden is too stupid to be a puppet master. Obama is the puppet of a large group. Cheney did have too much say in presidential policy. In a sense, that worked and it didn’t. Obama kinda is someone else's bitch.
45. Obama hasn’t used 9/11 as a political tool. Bush did that for nearly eight years. Wow, that’s a blatantly false statement. When he’s not blaming Bush, Obama disguises it when he does. His focus is on socialism – healthcare to illegal immigration.
46. Obama signed the American Recovery Act, also known as the stimulus, to save the economy. Bush chose to save the banks. The bank bailout started as a $60+B buyout of toxic bank assets. As soon as Pelosi and Reid got in in Congress it tripled, then Bush – for some unknown reason – agree with Obama to let Geitner and another involved (after Obama won the election) and it became hundreds of billions. Then the auto bailout was started by Bush and increased by Obama with Cash for Clunkers. Then the recovery stimulus. Bush made bad decision on these that Obama exponentially increased. All these worked so well - he said they didn't work well enough and more government handouts were needed - and denied.
47. Obama is working to end the War in Afghanistan. Bush began the war and could have ended it sooner had he not focused on Iraq. Bush should have won the wars with different rules of engagement. Obama has waited until his second term to do so, although he promised to do so in the first half of his first term.
48. Obama did more to save the auto industry than Bush did. Obama took a small bailout of guaranteed bank loans (that I agreed with) and turned it into a full bailout an Cash for Clunkers. That hurt the economy by taking money out of the economy – as did the bank bailout.
49. Obama toppled Moammar Gaddafi without placing soldiers on the ground in harms way. Thousands of soldiers were killed in Bush’s quest to topple Saddam Hussein and he never got Bin Laden. The Libyans did their own thing, we didn’t intervene – thankfully. UBL was dead at Tora Bora (and if not – neither Bush or Obama would ‘get him’). Hussein as toppled early and without loss of life. It was the continuation for ‘diplomatic reasons’ and rules of engagement (such as don’t touch mosques with terrorists hiding in them).
50. Obama kicked banks out of Federal Student Loans, something Bush never did. Not a good move - unless you're a socialist, and then this is just the beginning of government seizure of private enterprises. Student loans were guaranteed by the feds – now it is a full loan. The government is a non-profit. This was an economic grab – a precursor to other socialist agenda items. This took billions out of the economy.
51. Obama expanded Pell Grants for low-income students, which is another thing Bush didn’t do. The Pell Grant program is a taxpayer funded government handout that is now given to anyone that applies to college. He not only lowered it (not necessarily bad – its purpose is low income), but the high-end was also increased (not a good thing).
52. Obama created Race To The Top to reward states for education reform, something else Bush didn’t do. I disagree with having schools compete for federal funding. I disagree with federal funding of schools to the point of extortion. I disagree with the feds getting state money and then filtering it through bureaucracy to redistribute.
53. Obama increased fuel efficiency standards for vehicles. Bush didn’t. This is repeated – had to get100 somehow, I guess.
54. Obama signed a new GI bill for returning veterans. Bush didn’t. I also believe that returning vets and active military are having a more difficult time getting benefits, or reduced beneifts.
55. Obama also expanded the budget of the Department of Veteran’s Affairs more than Bush did. Can’t opine on this.
56. Obama tightened sanctions on Iran while, if Bush were still in office, America would probably be embroiled in another war in the Middle East. Sanctions tightened and the UN did not enforce them. That is part of the multi-pronged purpose of the Iraq war (yes, part of it was pre-emptive of Iran). Wars in the Middle East can come to an abrupt and conclusive end, but they won't.
57. Obama issued new EPA regulations that will cut mercury and other toxic pollution. Bush weakened the EPA. Bigger government. Toxins and toxic pollution – not good – big government is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies.
58. Obama signed a major overhaul of the food safety system which desperately needed it after the Bush years. Can’t opine on this – but it looks to be bigger government.
59. Obama expanded national service by tripling the size of AmeriCorps, more than Bush ever did. This should read that Obama expanded taxpayer funded government programs and socialist agendas.
60. Obama has protected more wildlife areas than Bush. I’m not sure how this is defined – number of birds killed by windmills or expanded protective areas for mice in Pelosi’s district. Bigger government. Water conservation is good – big government is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies.
61. Under Obama, the FDA now approves of making the morning after pill available over-the-counter to women as young as 15. Bush never did that. This is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies. Regardless of view – social issues should not be part of the political process.
62. Obama is pushing to make the federal government more energy-efficient. Bush didn’t. Ummm…this is just a blatant lie to reach 100. Bush signed several laws I don’t like – such as incandescent bulbs (LEDs and CFLs mess with some peoples’ vision).
63. Obama cut the Reagan-era missile defense budget, something Bush never did. We need a missile defense budget. Obama is just cutting the military / defense programs (which are inflated – always have been and need addressed) in favor of socialist agendas. This is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies.
64. Obama is increasing programs to combat cyber warfare more than Bush did. Cyber warfare was not what it is today – this is called adjusting with the times and technology. However, cyber warfare has also turned into spying on citizens outside of national security.
65. Obama is pushing for a new space shuttle and manned mission to Mars, whereas Bush wanted to go back to the moon where we have already gone before. Obama cut NASA significantly. We now pay Russia and China - two communist countries - to take our astronauts to the Space Station. They used to pay US and fund NASA and further research greatly. You cannot get to Mars if you do not have the moon as a point of base operations.
66. Obama is improving school nutrition despite Republican attempts to classify pizza as a veggie. Obama is trying to give his wife something to do. First ladies are not elected and we really don’t care what their opinions are or are not. He is increasing the enrollment of the school nutrition programs – and every other taxpayer funded government program.
67. Obama is encouraging a national push to get fit and eat right to cut healthcare costs and prevent diseases. Bush didn’t do that. This is essentially #66 – still needing 100 differences.
68. Obama has expanded hate crime protections, especially for the LGBT community, something Bush largely ignored. The issue of hate crime has been expanded to include if a person is of a protected class, and a crime is committed against them, it must be a hate crime. Under Bush DOJ the requirement was that the crime be motivated to inflict physical or emotional injury on a protected class for that purpose.
69. Obama has avoided scandal despite petty attempts by the GOP to make up scandals. Bush, on the other hand, was involved in scandal after scandal. Yeah, this certainly transparently true -- if you're blind and deaf. Not sure what all the scandal after scandals are (there were scandals – all administrations have them). Obama has scandals against the American people and Constitution.
70. Obama forced BP to quickly compensate and set up a fund for victims of the Gulf oil spills, again proving he is better than Bush at responding to disaster. It was done through extortion or they would not get their drilling back. It was done before damage assessment and responsibility was determined. That is typical of the emotional knee jerk reactions. Bush did protect certain interests – as Obama has and does.
71. The Obama Administration is more transparent than the Bush Administration. A blatant lie.
72. Obama is spearheading a movement to bring broadband internet to every corner of America, also something Bush did not do. So, what has all that internet tax been for? What Obama did do was move the telephone tax for rural services to internet for rural areas. He simply ended one defunct program for a program of current and relevant need. Might be one of the few smart things done. A natural transition.
77. Obama’s EPA declared carbon dioxide a pollutant for the first time in American history. Bush could have done this, but didn’t. I’ll have to check on this – but I believe it was an emission declared under Carter. However, the reason it is regulated in the manner it is – to push global warming and clean energy programs that have cost the taxpayers hundreds of billions with no return.
78. Obama supports funding of stem cell research and lifted the Bush ban on the research. This is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies. Regardless of view – social issues should not be part of the political process and funding can be derived privately.
79. Obama aided South Sudan in declaring their independence. Bush didn’t. Blatant lie. Per Jimmy Carter, Bush (Colin Powell) brokered this within weeks, at his request.
80. Obama saved Americans $4 billion dollars by ending the F-22 program. Bush didn’t. No savings here – billions were spent developing the program that was ended for no reason, other than to cut the military budget and skew some numbers in the budget.
81. Obama has aided African-American and Native American farmers, something Bush didn’t do. Honestly, I’m not aware of large groups of farmers in these classes of peoples. Native Americans are part of sovereign nations. Any taxpayer funded government program should be based on need, not social, cultural, ethnic, gender, religious or other identity.
82. Obama dared to slash the salaries of bailed out bank executives, whereas Bush didn’t. The government – except a socialist and communist government – should have no position in private industry.
83. Obama hasn’t started any wars since becoming President. Bush involved America in two of the longest wars in our history. This is a repeat of #1 and a couple others. Still trying to get those 100 differences.
85. Obama has lowered taxes on the middle class more than Bush. Another repeat and still trying to get those 100 differences.
86. Outsourcing skyrocketed under Bush; Obama is reversing this and now jobs are coming back to America. Outsourcing is a private enterprise decision that began to grow under Clinton and expanded under Bush. In some part because of corporate taxes (see GE), and others because of labor and production costs; others due to liability and tort. Its capitalism, business decisions. Those businesses are coming back because many costs have reduced and its cheaper to do it right the first time here, instead of multiple times abroad. These are business decisions - capitalist - and not because of government.
87. Obama has been cool under pressure while Bush was more reactionary and indecisive. Obama has been absent and doesn’t know what government has been doing. Except when he gives opinions on events that do not merit his opinion, resulting in a beer brunch.
88. Obama established a credit card bill of rights to better protect card holders. Bush did no such thing. One of the effects – much higher interest rates and greater difficulty in getting credit. Credit was too easy, now its impossible.
89. Obama established the White House Council on Women and Girls. There was no such council during the Bush Administration. Why have such a council – and if necessary, why at the White House level? Bureaucracy and vote pandering.
90. Obama ordered financial agencies to establish Offices of Women and Minorities to promote more diverse hiring. Again, Bush didn’t. See #89, and still trying to get those 100 differences by vote pandering.
91. Obama increased minority access to capital, thus helping minorities in ways Bush never did. First, there should be no preference for or bias against because of race, gender, etc. Under Bush housing credit was too easy, people that otherwise could not get home loans did – resulting in a bubble that burst.
92. Obama negotiated a deal with Swiss banks to permit the US government to gain access to records of tax evaders and criminals. Meanwhile, tax evaders had a field day under Bush. I’m not so sure I’m keen on our government interfering with private businesses of another country. Each country is sovereign.
93. Obama extended benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees, which Bush never did because he is anti-LGBT. This is #25 again. and still trying to get those 100 differences and vote pandering.
94. Obama protected gay and lesbian partners’ visitation/healthcare decision-making rights, which Bush also never did because he is anti-LGBT. This is #25 and #94 again, and still trying to get those 100 differences and vote pandering.
95. Bush was a child of privilege who had every advantage that money and social position could provide. Obama was a self-made man who crafted his success from his own efforts and abilities. No one really knows what Obama was or wasn’t. However, what is known is that Bush’s education was paid for by his family wealth and Obama was paid for by taxpayer funded government programs (and some say - aid for foreign students). He then became a community activist (socialist) to state senator, and somehow went from an inexperienced junior senator in his first year to being a presidential candidate that had a campaign (concurrently like McCain’s) going bankrupt in 09-2007, only for both to jump to win the primaries.
96. Obama is extremely strategic in his thinking and planning and seems able to look past the immediate moment and defer gratification to achieve a greater future good. Bush had no such skills or vision. ‘The greater future good’ is a socialist mantra. Obama never knows what is going on at the immediate moment.
97. Obama understands the true personal and economic costs of warfare, unlike Bush, who involved us in two wars while deeply cutting taxes. Obama knows that in order to spend on his socialist agenda, he must cut defense and military – and those cuts are what will end the wars.
98. The 9/11 attacks occurred under Bush’s watch, not Obama’s. I really can’t believe someone went there. I would not blame Obama at that time. It can be said that no other attacks occurred under Bush, whereas under Obama several have – including a ‘workplace incident’ [terrorist attack] at Fort Hood. Most important - 19 radical muslims who hate America, our multi-culturism and self-made prosperity attacked us.
99. Obama has a Nobel Peace Prize. Bush does not. This is trying to get to 100 differences - and I truly laughed pretty hard at this one. Obama was nominated for this BEFORE he became president (nominations are due by Feb. 1st - he was inaugurated Jan. 20th, based on his campaign rhetoric (officially - "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." and "We have not given the prize for what may happen in the future. We are awarding Obama for what he has done in the past year." [ten days]. This certainly was never earned – even Carter would have been more deserving – and should be given back; it is an embarrassment to the Nobel Prize endowment. If anything, he has acted completely contrary to the Nobel Peace Prize.
100. Bush is a conservative Christian and his decisions and actions were largely faith-based while Obama’s decision-making has a rational, scientific basis resulting from a consideration of facts, data, and logic. Obama attended a radical Christian church. Politics should never be based on religious beliefs in an attempt to legislate morality. However, Obama’s decisions are based on the socialist agenda – not science, let alone logic.
I encourage you to read these and form your own opinions based on your own research, ideologies and experiences. You might also find other useful posts on this blog - including this one:
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The Socialists' 100 Reasons Why President Obama Is NOT The Same As President Bush
A socialist posted a link to these 100 items on another person’s Facebook wall in response to my opposing socialism. On the surface, it would seem that some may not realize there are differences between Obama an Bush – but only if your head has been in the sand.
Obama is the Socialist in Chief, Bush is a conservative (and I make no apologies for his screw ups). That difference is not on this list…but that is what the list is telling you. My opinions, some ideological, are noted.
At least 10 of these 100 are repeats, most worded differently. Several are truly pointless – such as one of my favorites #99.
I believe government should be only about our Constitution and economy – fiscal conservative, limited government. 100% opposed to socialism. 100% in support of programs that help those less fortunate – but you will have to read my book to find out what my foundations for these are and why going back to the roots of our Country is the answer.
1. Bush started the war in Iraq and Obama ended it. True, that is what happened.
2. Bush lowered taxes on the wealthy and Obama raised taxes on the wealthy. Raising taxes is nothing to be proud of. Lowering taxes is – and the taxes were lowered across the board. I did not and do not agree with the lowering of payroll taxes – it depletes the social security fund.
3. Bush tried to give Social Security to Wall Street and Obama protected it. It would be better privatized – but the government needs the money.
4. Bush left office with a $1 trillion deficit and Obama has lowered it. Huh? The magic of number manipulation.
5. President Bush ignored the War in Afghanistan and Obama made it his focus. It should not have been ignored. However, deaths have risen in ½ the term of Obama vs. Bush – not sure what that is about.
6. Bush didn’t kill Osama Bin Laden; Obama did. UBL was killed at Tora Bora. However, the SEALs killed someone based on intelligence started under Bush. Neither killed anyone.
7. Bush sanctioned torture and Obama ended torture. Torture has to be defined. I do not consider waterboarding torture.
8. Bush opened the Gitmo prison and Obama is trying to close it. Opened to keep terrorists off of American soil and courts. Obama announced plans to close in his FIRST speech – still hasn’t. Bush never promised to close it.
9. Bush instituted the failed No Child Left Behind education program and Obama ended it. It was a plan of good intentions that is bureaucratized, abused and a failure.
10. Bush relied on military force while Obama has relied on diplomacy. Diplomacy was tried for a long time, before Clinton. What successes has Obama had with diplomacy?
11. Bush nominated mostly men to the Supreme Court and Obama has focused on nominating women. (Bush nominated one woman, but she was totally unqualified for the position.) Why focus on any sex – that is a biased litmus test. Vote pandering.
12. Bush nominated white men to the Supreme Court while Obama has nominated a white woman and a Latina. Why focus on any sex or race – those are biased litmus tests. Vote pandering.
13. Bush was placed in office by a conservative-leaning Supreme Court in 2000 while Obama won each of his elections legitimately. His legitimacy – both as a candidate and winning will always be in question. Gore wanted only selected democratic counties recounted, SCOTUS said no. That being said, the courts should not be involved in these – it should have went to the House.
14. Bush took unilateral action in foreign policy while Obama has worked more with our allies. Simply not true. Colin Powell made the argument before the UN.
15. Bush responded poorly to natural disasters like Katrina, while Obama has responded more than adequately to disasters like Irene and Sandy. FEMA failed to appropriately respond, states failed to request aid timely and some declined the aid. Response to natural disasters is an emotional purpose.
16. Bush detained terrorists without due process and Obama has had terrorists prosecuted successfully with due process. What terrorist has been prosecuted?
17. Bush deregulated big banks and Obama reinstated some of those regulations. Not a good idea to deregulate as it was done, a conservative value. Obamas reinstatement is a liberal value that is yet to be tested.
18. Bush never signed an Equal Pay for women bill while Obama did. It was the first piece of legislation he signed. That is realistically covered under other laws and is actually a waste.
19. Bush tarnished America’s reputation around the world and Obama is restoring it. Completely disagree and find the opposite.
20. Bush invaded a country illegally while Obama has done no such thing. I’ll question illegally; however, Obama did not have to, it was already done – and he has expanded the use of drones.
21. Bush had a cooperative Congress for most of his administration, while Obama hasn’t. Both have had cooperative and uncooperative – most of the issues of today are because of Congress and Obama having created socioeconomic divides, focusing on social issues, and vote pandering. Presidents only cooperate with Congress when its beneficial. Obama would not have had the socialist laws he wanted passed without a cooperative Congress - so much so that, as an example, the healthcare bill was passed before anyone knew what was in it.
22. Bush used fear to control the American public while Obama has not. So, what is Obama using to control the public? Socialism - which is control.
23. Obama instituted healthcare reform that covers millions of people; the topic was not on Bush’s agenda. This healthcare reform is an economic and freedom grab – it is not about healthcare.
24. Obama ended ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’. President Bush continued it. This was a bad policy under Clinton that served a limited purpose that’s effectiveness is yet to be determined.
25. Obama supports marriage equality and Bush does not. What is marriage equality? This is often based on religious beliefs in an attempt to legislate morality. I don’t oppose equality.
26. Bush supported anti-union policies while Obama supports unions. Not a good thing – this is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies.
27. Obama has expanded land and water conservation programs more than Bush. That should read that the EPA has instituted more regulations. Bigger government. Water conservation is good – big government is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies.
28. Obama has provided generous subsides to alternative energy producers. Bush didn’t do this. And how many of those have failed? Subsidies – of any kind – is a taxpayer funded government handout. This is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies.
29. Obama instituted tough emissions standards for cars and factories. Bush did no such thing. Simply not true.
30. Obama believes in climate change and that mankind has played a big role in that change. Bush is a climate change denier. Climate change is a proven fallacy.
31. Under Obama, the stock market has eclipsed 15,000 points. It never got that high under Bush. The stock market tanked a few times under Bush – 9/11 being one – and rebounded. It got past 10,000 under Bush and continued to grow. It took five years for it to grow about ½ of what did under Bush’s first term.
32. Obama created the Consumer Financial Protection Agency to protect consumers from unfair banking practices. Bush allowed the banks to use unfair practices at will. From an investigative view this is not as good as it looks. The purpose was well intended – the final program is not. This was also introduced by Congress, not Obama.
33. Obama is pursuing gun control laws in response to tragic mass shootings while Bush took a hands-off approach. Bush supports our Constitution – Obama does not. Our Second Amendment is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies.
34. Obama has cut defense spending while Bush only increased it. War will do that. Guess what spending Obama did increase, that Bush did not, that is not on this list?
35. Obama is bringing clean energy to the armed forces. Bush did not. The technology being used today was developed under research of the Bush era and began to be implemented. Large implementation is good – except, Obama is spending more on this clean energy than was being spent before; no savings are being realized.
36. Obama has created more private sector jobs than Bush did. Presidents – government –do not create or lose jobs; their policies have a role. However, the bottom line is that under Obama first lost more jobs than Bush and has yet to recover those jobs.
37. Obama is for reducing and eliminating all nuclear arsenals. Bush withdrew America from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty which is the opposite of Obama’s stance. Obama thinks our enemies will be our friends. He has not read Sun Tzu or the history of the Cold War. He was too busy being a puppet of and being an activist.
38. Obama supports Planned Parenthood while Bush did not. This is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies. Planned Parenthood has its purposes, and it does not. Regardless of view – it should not be funded by taxpayer dollars. Social issues should not be part of the political process.
39. Obama supports a woman’s right to choose while Bush does not. This is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies. Planned Parenthood has its purposes, and it does not. Regardless of view – it should not be funded by taxpayer dollars. Social issues should not be part of the political process.
40. Obama and Bush both support fighting the AIDS epidemic, but only Obama supports the use of condoms as part of the fight. Not really getting this one – condom use is now political. Social issues should not be part of the political process.
41. Obama hasn’t landed on an aircraft carrier to falsely declare mission accomplished. Bush did. Not a good moment. Didn’t understand it then – it was obvious combat operations were not over.
42. Obama has taken far less vacation days than Bush. Recalculate that. Count golf days and count taxpayer dollars used extravagantly.
43. Obama has written personal checks to Americans in need. Bush never did that. Are you sure? Do we care? What charitable issues has Obama been involved in that are not government programs.
44. Obama isn’t being used as a puppet by his Vice-President. Bush kinda was. Biden is too stupid to be a puppet master. Obama is the puppet of a large group. Cheney did have too much say in presidential policy. In a sense, that worked and it didn’t. Obama kinda is someone else's bitch.
45. Obama hasn’t used 9/11 as a political tool. Bush did that for nearly eight years. Wow, that’s a blatantly false statement. When he’s not blaming Bush, Obama disguises it when he does. His focus is on socialism – healthcare to illegal immigration.
46. Obama signed the American Recovery Act, also known as the stimulus, to save the economy. Bush chose to save the banks. The bank bailout started as a $60+B buyout of toxic bank assets. As soon as Pelosi and Reid got in in Congress it tripled, then Bush – for some unknown reason – agree with Obama to let Geitner and another involved (after Obama won the election) and it became hundreds of billions. Then the auto bailout was started by Bush and increased by Obama with Cash for Clunkers. Then the recovery stimulus. Bush made bad decision on these that Obama exponentially increased. All these worked so well - he said they didn't work well enough and more government handouts were needed - and denied.
47. Obama is working to end the War in Afghanistan. Bush began the war and could have ended it sooner had he not focused on Iraq. Bush should have won the wars with different rules of engagement. Obama has waited until his second term to do so, although he promised to do so in the first half of his first term.
48. Obama did more to save the auto industry than Bush did. Obama took a small bailout of guaranteed bank loans (that I agreed with) and turned it into a full bailout an Cash for Clunkers. That hurt the economy by taking money out of the economy – as did the bank bailout.
49. Obama toppled Moammar Gaddafi without placing soldiers on the ground in harms way. Thousands of soldiers were killed in Bush’s quest to topple Saddam Hussein and he never got Bin Laden. The Libyans did their own thing, we didn’t intervene – thankfully. UBL was dead at Tora Bora (and if not – neither Bush or Obama would ‘get him’). Hussein as toppled early and without loss of life. It was the continuation for ‘diplomatic reasons’ and rules of engagement (such as don’t touch mosques with terrorists hiding in them).
50. Obama kicked banks out of Federal Student Loans, something Bush never did. Not a good move - unless you're a socialist, and then this is just the beginning of government seizure of private enterprises. Student loans were guaranteed by the feds – now it is a full loan. The government is a non-profit. This was an economic grab – a precursor to other socialist agenda items. This took billions out of the economy.
51. Obama expanded Pell Grants for low-income students, which is another thing Bush didn’t do. The Pell Grant program is a taxpayer funded government handout that is now given to anyone that applies to college. He not only lowered it (not necessarily bad – its purpose is low income), but the high-end was also increased (not a good thing).
52. Obama created Race To The Top to reward states for education reform, something else Bush didn’t do. I disagree with having schools compete for federal funding. I disagree with federal funding of schools to the point of extortion. I disagree with the feds getting state money and then filtering it through bureaucracy to redistribute.
53. Obama increased fuel efficiency standards for vehicles. Bush didn’t. This is repeated – had to get100 somehow, I guess.
54. Obama signed a new GI bill for returning veterans. Bush didn’t. I also believe that returning vets and active military are having a more difficult time getting benefits, or reduced beneifts.
55. Obama also expanded the budget of the Department of Veteran’s Affairs more than Bush did. Can’t opine on this.
56. Obama tightened sanctions on Iran while, if Bush were still in office, America would probably be embroiled in another war in the Middle East. Sanctions tightened and the UN did not enforce them. That is part of the multi-pronged purpose of the Iraq war (yes, part of it was pre-emptive of Iran). Wars in the Middle East can come to an abrupt and conclusive end, but they won't.
57. Obama issued new EPA regulations that will cut mercury and other toxic pollution. Bush weakened the EPA. Bigger government. Toxins and toxic pollution – not good – big government is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies.
58. Obama signed a major overhaul of the food safety system which desperately needed it after the Bush years. Can’t opine on this – but it looks to be bigger government.
59. Obama expanded national service by tripling the size of AmeriCorps, more than Bush ever did. This should read that Obama expanded taxpayer funded government programs and socialist agendas.
60. Obama has protected more wildlife areas than Bush. I’m not sure how this is defined – number of birds killed by windmills or expanded protective areas for mice in Pelosi’s district. Bigger government. Water conservation is good – big government is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies.
61. Under Obama, the FDA now approves of making the morning after pill available over-the-counter to women as young as 15. Bush never did that. This is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies. Regardless of view – social issues should not be part of the political process.
62. Obama is pushing to make the federal government more energy-efficient. Bush didn’t. Ummm…this is just a blatant lie to reach 100. Bush signed several laws I don’t like – such as incandescent bulbs (LEDs and CFLs mess with some peoples’ vision).
63. Obama cut the Reagan-era missile defense budget, something Bush never did. We need a missile defense budget. Obama is just cutting the military / defense programs (which are inflated – always have been and need addressed) in favor of socialist agendas. This is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies.
64. Obama is increasing programs to combat cyber warfare more than Bush did. Cyber warfare was not what it is today – this is called adjusting with the times and technology. However, cyber warfare has also turned into spying on citizens outside of national security.
65. Obama is pushing for a new space shuttle and manned mission to Mars, whereas Bush wanted to go back to the moon where we have already gone before. Obama cut NASA significantly. We now pay Russia and China - two communist countries - to take our astronauts to the Space Station. They used to pay US and fund NASA and further research greatly. You cannot get to Mars if you do not have the moon as a point of base operations.
66. Obama is improving school nutrition despite Republican attempts to classify pizza as a veggie. Obama is trying to give his wife something to do. First ladies are not elected and we really don’t care what their opinions are or are not. He is increasing the enrollment of the school nutrition programs – and every other taxpayer funded government program.
67. Obama is encouraging a national push to get fit and eat right to cut healthcare costs and prevent diseases. Bush didn’t do that. This is essentially #66 – still needing 100 differences.
68. Obama has expanded hate crime protections, especially for the LGBT community, something Bush largely ignored. The issue of hate crime has been expanded to include if a person is of a protected class, and a crime is committed against them, it must be a hate crime. Under Bush DOJ the requirement was that the crime be motivated to inflict physical or emotional injury on a protected class for that purpose.
69. Obama has avoided scandal despite petty attempts by the GOP to make up scandals. Bush, on the other hand, was involved in scandal after scandal. Yeah, this certainly transparently true -- if you're blind and deaf. Not sure what all the scandal after scandals are (there were scandals – all administrations have them). Obama has scandals against the American people and Constitution.
70. Obama forced BP to quickly compensate and set up a fund for victims of the Gulf oil spills, again proving he is better than Bush at responding to disaster. It was done through extortion or they would not get their drilling back. It was done before damage assessment and responsibility was determined. That is typical of the emotional knee jerk reactions. Bush did protect certain interests – as Obama has and does.
71. The Obama Administration is more transparent than the Bush Administration. A blatant lie.
72. Obama is spearheading a movement to bring broadband internet to every corner of America, also something Bush did not do. So, what has all that internet tax been for? What Obama did do was move the telephone tax for rural services to internet for rural areas. He simply ended one defunct program for a program of current and relevant need. Might be one of the few smart things done. A natural transition.
77. Obama’s EPA declared carbon dioxide a pollutant for the first time in American history. Bush could have done this, but didn’t. I’ll have to check on this – but I believe it was an emission declared under Carter. However, the reason it is regulated in the manner it is – to push global warming and clean energy programs that have cost the taxpayers hundreds of billions with no return.
78. Obama supports funding of stem cell research and lifted the Bush ban on the research. This is a difference of conservative vs liberal ideologies. Regardless of view – social issues should not be part of the political process and funding can be derived privately.
79. Obama aided South Sudan in declaring their independence. Bush didn’t. Blatant lie. Per Jimmy Carter, Bush (Colin Powell) brokered this within weeks, at his request.
80. Obama saved Americans $4 billion dollars by ending the F-22 program. Bush didn’t. No savings here – billions were spent developing the program that was ended for no reason, other than to cut the military budget and skew some numbers in the budget.
81. Obama has aided African-American and Native American farmers, something Bush didn’t do. Honestly, I’m not aware of large groups of farmers in these classes of peoples. Native Americans are part of sovereign nations. Any taxpayer funded government program should be based on need, not social, cultural, ethnic, gender, religious or other identity.
82. Obama dared to slash the salaries of bailed out bank executives, whereas Bush didn’t. The government – except a socialist and communist government – should have no position in private industry.
83. Obama hasn’t started any wars since becoming President. Bush involved America in two of the longest wars in our history. This is a repeat of #1 and a couple others. Still trying to get those 100 differences.
85. Obama has lowered taxes on the middle class more than Bush. Another repeat and still trying to get those 100 differences.
86. Outsourcing skyrocketed under Bush; Obama is reversing this and now jobs are coming back to America. Outsourcing is a private enterprise decision that began to grow under Clinton and expanded under Bush. In some part because of corporate taxes (see GE), and others because of labor and production costs; others due to liability and tort. Its capitalism, business decisions. Those businesses are coming back because many costs have reduced and its cheaper to do it right the first time here, instead of multiple times abroad. These are business decisions - capitalist - and not because of government.
87. Obama has been cool under pressure while Bush was more reactionary and indecisive. Obama has been absent and doesn’t know what government has been doing. Except when he gives opinions on events that do not merit his opinion, resulting in a beer brunch.
88. Obama established a credit card bill of rights to better protect card holders. Bush did no such thing. One of the effects – much higher interest rates and greater difficulty in getting credit. Credit was too easy, now its impossible.
89. Obama established the White House Council on Women and Girls. There was no such council during the Bush Administration. Why have such a council – and if necessary, why at the White House level? Bureaucracy and vote pandering.
90. Obama ordered financial agencies to establish Offices of Women and Minorities to promote more diverse hiring. Again, Bush didn’t. See #89, and still trying to get those 100 differences by vote pandering.
91. Obama increased minority access to capital, thus helping minorities in ways Bush never did. First, there should be no preference for or bias against because of race, gender, etc. Under Bush housing credit was too easy, people that otherwise could not get home loans did – resulting in a bubble that burst.
92. Obama negotiated a deal with Swiss banks to permit the US government to gain access to records of tax evaders and criminals. Meanwhile, tax evaders had a field day under Bush. I’m not so sure I’m keen on our government interfering with private businesses of another country. Each country is sovereign.
93. Obama extended benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees, which Bush never did because he is anti-LGBT. This is #25 again. and still trying to get those 100 differences and vote pandering.
94. Obama protected gay and lesbian partners’ visitation/healthcare decision-making rights, which Bush also never did because he is anti-LGBT. This is #25 and #94 again, and still trying to get those 100 differences and vote pandering.
95. Bush was a child of privilege who had every advantage that money and social position could provide. Obama was a self-made man who crafted his success from his own efforts and abilities. No one really knows what Obama was or wasn’t. However, what is known is that Bush’s education was paid for by his family wealth and Obama was paid for by taxpayer funded government programs (and some say - aid for foreign students). He then became a community activist (socialist) to state senator, and somehow went from an inexperienced junior senator in his first year to being a presidential candidate that had a campaign (concurrently like McCain’s) going bankrupt in 09-2007, only for both to jump to win the primaries.
96. Obama is extremely strategic in his thinking and planning and seems able to look past the immediate moment and defer gratification to achieve a greater future good. Bush had no such skills or vision. ‘The greater future good’ is a socialist mantra. Obama never knows what is going on at the immediate moment.
97. Obama understands the true personal and economic costs of warfare, unlike Bush, who involved us in two wars while deeply cutting taxes. Obama knows that in order to spend on his socialist agenda, he must cut defense and military – and those cuts are what will end the wars.
98. The 9/11 attacks occurred under Bush’s watch, not Obama’s. I really can’t believe someone went there. I would not blame Obama at that time. It can be said that no other attacks occurred under Bush, whereas under Obama several have – including a ‘workplace incident’ [terrorist attack] at Fort Hood. Most important - 19 radical muslims who hate America, our multi-culturism and self-made prosperity attacked us.
99. Obama has a Nobel Peace Prize. Bush does not. This is trying to get to 100 differences - and I truly laughed pretty hard at this one. Obama was nominated for this BEFORE he became president (nominations are due by Feb. 1st - he was inaugurated Jan. 20th, based on his campaign rhetoric (officially - "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." and "We have not given the prize for what may happen in the future. We are awarding Obama for what he has done in the past year." [ten days]. This certainly was never earned – even Carter would have been more deserving – and should be given back; it is an embarrassment to the Nobel Prize endowment. If anything, he has acted completely contrary to the Nobel Peace Prize.
100. Bush is a conservative Christian and his decisions and actions were largely faith-based while Obama’s decision-making has a rational, scientific basis resulting from a consideration of facts, data, and logic. Obama attended a radical Christian church. Politics should never be based on religious beliefs in an attempt to legislate morality. However, Obama’s decisions are based on the socialist agenda – not science, let alone logic.
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